Quote from M.R. DeHaan:
The only building ever constructed upon this earth which was perfect from its very beginning and outset in every detail, and never again needed attention, addition or alteration, was the tabernacle in the wilderness. The blueprint, the pattern and the plan, the design, and all of its specifications, were minutely made in heaven, committed unto Moses for the children of Israel, while he was in the mountain, shortly after their deliverance from Egypt. Every single detail was designed by Almighty God, every part had a prophetic, redemptive, and typical significance. There is no portion of Scripture richer in meaning, more perfect in its teaching of the plan of redemption, than this divinely designed building. God Himself was the architect, and every detail points to some aspect of the character and work of the person of His Son, Jesus Christ, and, in its complete form, it is probably the most comprehensive, detailed revelation of Jesus the Son of God, and the plan of salvation in the entire Old Testament.
M. R. DeHaan, The Tabernacle (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1955), p. 13.
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