Step into the 16th century, a time when the printing press revolutionized the world, transforming the way knowledge was shared and ideas were debated. In this episode of The AL Pastor Podcast, we unravel the mystery of the Johannine Comma in 1 John 5:7—a passage that appears in some Bibles but is absent in others.

Discover the historical journey of this controversial text, how it entered the King James Bible, and why it matters. We’ll explore the leap in civilization brought by the printing press, the role of Erasmus in the first printed Greek New Testament, and the theological significance of the passage. Most importantly, we’ll discuss how this Scripture should be understood and applied today.

Join us as we delve into the intersection of history, theology, and technology, uncovering lessons that strengthen our faith and deepen our understanding of God’s Word.

Exclusive content for this episode including podcast notes and bibliography can be found at


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