Jan. 15, 2025

#233 - Ascending Glory: Exploring the Ascension of Christ and the Mission of His Disciples - Acts 1:9-14

In this episode of The Al Pastor Podcast, Pastor Brian, joined by his guest Noah, dives into Acts 1:9-14 to explore the ascension of Jesus Christ and its profound theological and practical implications. The discussion touches on the significance of the Mount of Olives, the role of obedience in the disciples’ journey, and the imagery of Jesus as the rider of the clouds. They also examine how the disciples' unity and prayer life model the ideal preparation for receiving the Holy Spirit. Filled with insights from the Discipleship Guide, Old Testament references, and thought-provoking applications, this episode will inspire and equip you to live out your faith with steadfastness and expectancy.

Introduction (0:08–0:57)

  • Pastor Brian welcomes listeners to the podcast and introduces Noah as the guest.
  • Recap: Last episode covered Acts 1:8. Today’s focus is on Acts 1:9-14.

Acts 1:9 – The Ascension of Christ (1:37–10:11)

  • Key Event: Jesus is taken up into heaven, received by a cloud.
  • Theological Significance:
    • Identified as the ascension—a major moment in church history.
    • Fulfillment of continuity between Luke and Acts.
    • Connection to Mount of Olives as a place of prayer, teaching, and prophecy.
    • Highlighted Zechariah 14:1-3 to connect Jesus’ ascension and second coming.
    • Imagery of Clouds: Explained as a "glory cloud" (Shekinah) and evoked Old Testament imagery (Daniel 7:13).
  • Cultural Note: The ascension contrasts with the failed attempt of Satan to usurp God’s throne.

Acts 1:10-11 – Angels' Announcement (12:25–15:59)

  • Angels' Role: Two angels in white apparel appear to reassure the disciples.
    • White symbolizes purity and holiness.
  • Message to the Disciples:
    • Jesus will return in the same manner as He ascended.
    • The disciples must focus on their mission, not dwell on His departure.
  • Practical Application: The ascension serves as a reminder of the promised return of Christ and the urgency of living with eternal perspective.

Acts 1:12-14 – Obedience, Unity, and Prayer (19:19–31:38)

  • Journey to Jerusalem:
    • Disciples obey Jesus’ command to remain in Jerusalem.
    • The walk symbolizes obedience amidst a tense and hostile environment.
  • The Upper Room:
    • Likely the same place as the Last Supper and where Jesus appeared after the resurrection.
    • Functions as a base for prayer and waiting for the Holy Spirit.
  • Unity in Prayer and Supplication:
    • “One accord” reflects a shared resolve and obedience.
    • Differentiation between prayer (praise and communication) and supplication (requests).
    • Prayer and expectation for the Holy Spirit’s outpouring are central themes.
  • Inclusion of Women and Jesus’ Family:
    • Women, including Mary the mother of Jesus, join the disciples.
    • Special mention of Jesus’ brothers, who had come to faith post-resurrection.

Key Themes and Applications

  1. Jesus’ Authority and Glory:

    • His ascension underscores His position at the right hand of the Father.
    • Encourages believers to trust in His sovereignty.
  2. Obedience and Unity:

    • Disciples model how unity and prayer are vital for God’s work.
    • Challenges listeners to consider their obedience to Christ’s commands.
  3. Eternal Perspective:

    • Reflection on the angels' words emphasizes living with expectancy for Jesus’ return.
  4. Fresh Outpouring of the Spirit:

    • The disciples’ example of prayerful waiting inspires listeners to seek renewal and empowerment by the Holy Spirit.

Closing Thoughts (35:52–37:56)

  • Pastor Brian encourages listeners to reflect on the ascension and its relevance today.
  • Teaser for the next podcast: Acts 1:15-26.
  • Invitation for listeners to participate in future episodes.





You're listening to Al Pastor, the show that helps you love God, love your neighbor and eat more tacos.
I'm your host, Pastor Brian.
Welcome to the show.
Hey friends, I want to welcome you to today's podcast.


We are walking through the book of Acts, and we left off on our last episode with verse #8 so we're going to be starting in verse #9 today.
I have in studio with me Mr. Noah.
Noah, do you want to greet everybody?
Hello everybody.
How you doing today?


I'm doing good.
Are you ready to get into this starting in verse 9?
I think.
So, all right, well, we had Martin, as you know, on yesterday.
He did a really good job.
Did you listen to the podcast?
I have not.
Oh boy.


Well, you're going to have to listen.
He did a good job actually.
I'm sorry, he.
Did I was, I was, I was impressed because he put in some time, he did a little bit of study.
So I'm going to ask you the same thing that I had asked him.
Have you been studying at all in our Discipleship Guide?


What's the commentary?
OK, well, we're going to kick it off with verse #9 we'll go a little here, a little there.
I don't know how far we were going to get, but I would like to get at least through verse 14.
Does that sound like a deal?
It is.
OK, all right, why don't you kick us off Read verse #9.


Now when he had spoken these things while they watched, he was taken up, and a cloud received him out of their sight all.
Right, This is good right here.
So we see what we would call officially and historically speaking, a major point in the church, which is called the ascension of Jesus.


Jesus is ascending.
Where's he going, by the way?
To heaven, and specifically, we'll see him in the throne room where all authority and power flows.
And so let's read a little bit out of our discipleship guide.
It says Christ's ascension climaxed Luke's gospel.


So in other words, we see the continuity between Luke acts, obviously because Luke's the same writer.
So in Luke 2450 indicates Jesus led his followers out to the Mount of Olives to the vicinity of Bethany.


Now here's a question for you.
You may or may not know this.
What is significant about the Mount of Olives and in particular this area, Bethany?
Well, I know, I know that they had been there before, right?
Oh, of course, this was actually the Mount of Olives was one of Jesus's favorite places.


So on the Mount of Olives, do you remember where Jesus prayed before the and where the garden?
And what was that garden called?
The Garden of Gethsemane, right?
That was on the Mount of Olives.
And then when we go and we look, Jesus did, he spent not only a lot of time at this place, he also did a lot of teaching.


Matthew chapter 24, which is famous, which talks about in time stuff like you'll hear of wars and rumors of wars and all of that, all that stuff, earthquakes, pestilence and diverse places.
This is where he was the Mount of Olives.


And in fact, when Jesus comes back, we're talking about his second coming, not the rapture, the second coming, when he physically returns again, the Bible says that he will step foot on this very same mountains where he was taken up.


In fact, I'll show you it's in Zechariah chapter 14, verse 2 in the Old Testament.
Let's read it.
And actually it's and let's see, oh, here we go.
We'll read verse 1-2 and three.


This is Zechariah.
It says, behold, the day of the Lord is coming.
Now in the Old Testament, the day of the Lord is a reference to Jesus coming back.
And when we say Jesus is coming back, we're talking about Revelation 19, those verses like he's, he's going to come with a fire in his eyes and a sword in his hand.


He's riding on a, on a White Horse.
This is what it's talking about.
The day of the Lord is coming.
And in fact, I want to talk about this too.
When the disciples are asking Jesus in the previous verses, like, are you at this time going to restore the Kingdom?


This is what they're talking about this day.
Like you're going to come and your everlasting Kingdom that had been promised will be set up.
So again, behold, the day of the Lord is coming, and your spoil will be divided in your midst.


For I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem.
The city shall be taken, the houses rifled, and the women ravished.
Half of the city should go into captivity, but the remnant of the people shall not be cut off from the city.
Then the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations, as he fights in the day of battle, and in that day his feet will stand.


Where does it say?
On the Mount of Olives.
Now I want you to notice two things out of this verse.
Who does it say in this verse will stand on the Mount of Olives?
The Lord, the Lord Jesus is Lord Jesus is Lord.
So let's get back into Acts now.


Now in Acts, because we're looking at his ascension, Acts chapter one, verse 9.
This is on the Mount of Olives and Jesus is ascending back to the Father and there is a beautiful picture here of a cloud.


Now notice in our discipleship guide it says then a cloud, not an ordinary cloud, but undoubtedly a glory cloud like the Shekinah in the Old Testament took him up.
Now, you may or may not be familiar in this because we haven't spent a lot of time, but the this picture of what we would call the rider in the clouds.


Do you remember on the way home from school today, we were talking about like different theologies?
What were we talking about?
Norse mythology.
Norse mythology, there's Greek mythology, there's ancient Sumerian theology.
Well, did you know when, as we were talking about Thor.


How does Thor usually appear?
He's the God of what?
And he comes riding on a hammer on a hammer and he's usually comes with the clouds in the Bible there is in in As for as a form, I'm going to introduce you to a word.


It's called polemic.
Now you understand what apologetics it with the meaning of that is right?
Defends the faith.
Defending of the faith.
Now polemic means I'm going to preach against.
And so in the ancient Mesopotamian culture, there was a God by the name of Baal.


And did you know that he was the writer of the clouds?
He was the God of Thunder.
And in the Old Testament there are some rich imagery of God as a writer of the clouds.
This is used as a literary device called a polemic.


Why They're saying you think your God is the writer of the storm, the the Thunder God.
Well, we have God, the King of kings and the Lord of Lords.
He controls all of that.
So there is some of that that's in here.


And it has a rich, rich background in the Old Testament.
Now, when I use this word or this phrase, Luke is also evoking.
OK, what do I mean when I say evoking?
I want to make sure you're following me.
What do I mean?


He is evoking imagery.
Do you know what that means?
OK, when I say something that you don't know, you need to say I have no clue what you're talking about.
Is that fair?
OK, he's evoking imagery from the Old Testament, meaning he's trying to get your mind to make a mental hyperlink to say where else in the Bible is this and where is it?


It's found in Daniel.
The Ancient of Days comes on the clouds.
That's what Luke is doing.
Jesus is Lord, Jesus is the King of kings and the Lord of Lords.
So we see a description in all of this of writing on the clouds, very, very heavy.


It's a beautiful picture.
So I want you to notice the cloud takes him up and then he goes on.
It says the Greek could well mean that the clouds swept under him and he rode it up out of their sight.
But not only did he leave the surface of the earth, he ascended to the right hand of the Father, and he is still bodily present.


I want to emphasize that bodily present as the God man in he in heaven.
Stephen saw him there.
So to see these two references.
So here's Hebrews 9/24.
It says, for Christ has not entered the holy places made with hands which are copies of the true, but into heaven itself now appear in the presence of God for us.


And then Acts 755 says, But he Speaking of Stephen being full of the Holy Spirit gazed into heaven and solved the glory of God in Jesus standing at the right hand of God.
Now this concept of the right hand, OK, we, we can, we can sit here and question what does that mean?


Is it a geographic location?
Are we speaking directionally?
And the answer to that is yes and no.
The right hand is known as what executes power and judgment and authority.
That's what the right hand is.
So do you have any thoughts or any questions on this verse on the ascension of Jesus?


Not necessarily a quiz on how he did it, I just thought I just think it's cool picturing like him ascending with the clouds is a cool picture to try and paint.
Yeah, In fact, you're the way you're thinking has been what other people have thought.


And did you know that there are now, you said, a clear picture to paint.
People have literally painted this.
There are paintings of the ascension of Christ.
Well, when we get done with the podcast and for those who are listening at home, you can just simply Google the ascension of Christ and look at different artists, depictions of what that might have looked like.


Some show, it looks like he might look like a portal open in the sky, like with this giant cloud, like a hurricane and then angels scattered all around.
That's the most common depiction of that as Jesus ascends.
There's also another aspect to this ascension, and I could be going too far into this for you, but the concept of ascending is actually what Satan tried to do.


Did you know that that that the devil tried to overthrow God on his throne seems.
Like him?
Yeah, he, he wanted to take over God's throne, and so he tried to ascend in the wrong way.


And so this ascension is showing the true authority and true power in nature of Jesus as God, which is really, really beautiful.
All right, verse 10, go ahead and read it for us out of the Bible.
And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven, as he went up, behold, two men stood by them, and white apparel.


All right.
Who are these two men?
Do you know?
Did you study that out?
They're angels, so there's really no discrepancy.
Like, oh, well, Luke didn't describe them as angels in our, in our discipleship guide, these, these terms can be used interchangeably.


They, they take on the appearance of men.
What about them being in white apparel?
Is there any significance to that?
It was.
I had forgot what it had said, but I know that in the disciples of God it had said something about the oh the that white symbolizes purity.


Yeah, yeah, absolutely, absolutely.
So verse 11, go ahead and read that one for us.
Who also said, Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven?
This same Jesus who was taken up from you into heaven also come in like, in like manner as he's I'm going to heaven.


Yeah, that's, that is really, really good.
In other words, hey, look, you can stand here all day, but you got some work to do.
You've been commissioned.
Now you got to go out and you got to tell.
That's the thing I also like in our discipleship guide that technically speaking, Men of Galilee is very, very specific.


And out of the 11 out of the 12 disciples, because Judas is gone, they were all from Galilee.
So that's really, really good.
Now look at the last part.
It says the same Jesus who was taken up from you in heaven will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.


So again, we're talking about his second coming that we've already covered, right?
He's going to come.
His feet are going to be on the Mount of Olives and He's coming in the clouds.
And in fact, let's go and read a little bit of Revelation 19 and let's see Revelation 19 verse 11.


Do you want to go ahead and read it 'cause this is powerful.
I'm OK, go ahead.
Now, now I saw heaven open, and behold a White Horse.
And he who sat on him was called faithful and true, and in righteousness.
Righteousness he judge and makes war.


His eyes were like a flame and fire.
On and on his head were many crowns.
He had a name written that no one except him.
No one knew except himself.
Except himself he was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and his name is called the word of God and and and the armies in heaven.


Clothed clothed in fine linen.
Clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
Followed him on on white horses.
For a second, what are they wearing?
And Clear, do you think those two angels that were standing there, do you think they're going to be part of that army?
I don't know.


Most likely.
Yeah, that's pretty cool, huh?
So keep going and.
He himself with what will rule them, with a rod of iron He himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and and wrath of Almighty God, and he has on his robe and on his thigh of name written King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.


That is a cool verse, right?
Oh, versus all.
Yeah, versus.
Like powerful, powerful.
And so the idea here is look at this just small, small prediction.


This same Jesus who was taken up from you in heaven will so come in like manner as you saw him go into heaven.
There's an old song I'll have to I'll have to introduce you to it.


As long as you don't sing it.
No, I won't sing it, but it's called Days of Elijah and it starts off it says, Behold, he comes riding on the clouds and then how's it go riding on the clouds at the trumpet sound lift your I have to.


I'm trying to remember all the lyrics, but it's a cool song.
Really cool song.
So you have any other thoughts or questions on this verse?
Well, for verse 11, I'd like the commentary because in one part they had said the angels asked why?


Why these disciples, men of Galilee, only Judas was of the Jaya, stood gazing into heaven.
This implies this implies they were straining, straining their eyes as if they hoped to see into heaven where Jesus had gone.
So what is?
What does that say to you?


What is your take away from that?
Well, I didn't like when I had red verse 11 after seeing the commentary is saying them like squinting their eyes trying to see if they could see heaven and Jesus going like it's cool because I didn't like really connect that and it's cool to picture them trying to see if they could see like a glimpse of heaven or something.


So first question, can you blame them?
What would you do if you were there saying you'd probably do the same thing?
Like if you're just like if you're just there and then all of a sudden you see Jesus ascending in the clouds and, and then, and then it would be like, oh, you'd be, you'd try to be like, are you able to see heaven?


So I thought that was pretty cool.
Yeah, there's a lot.
Well, when I say there's a lot we could get into, like where like could they like, would it be possible for them to see in heaven?
And was this like, you know, I, I use the word portal, but there are different thoughts about heaven.


Like if you were to give like what is the address of heaven?
Is it located within the known universe or is heaven a dimensional place?
Meaning like all around us, heaven can literally open.
Like we're sitting in this room could, could like a little window in the air open and you could look into heaven because we see, we see at least some indication that they were trying to look.


And then Stephen is sitting there.
We see later in the book of Acts, he looks up and he sees Jesus in heaven seated at the right hand of God.
So that's an interesting thought when we begin to look at and speculate and take all the information in about heaven and what the Bible says.


Kind of cool stuff, huh?
Yeah, it is.
All right, verse.
Anything else out of this before we move on?
OK, verse 12.
Go ahead and read it.
Then then they return to Jerusalem from the mount called all of this, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day's journey.


All right, so now they're they're heading back.
So verse 12 there isn't there.
There's not not a whole lot in this, but they've traveled this direction many, many times.
So we see one thing that I want to highlight in this verse.


What did Jesus tell them from the very beginning of the book of Acts not to depart from where?
In verse 8?
Jerusalem, in Jerusalem, right?
So they are walking.
I want you to think about this.
This is more than just a walk.
They're walking in.
What if they're doing what Jesus told him to do?


How are they walking?
I don't know.
They're walking in obedience, right?
They're obeying what Jesus told them to do.
So that's a good thing.
And the reason that I'm bringing that up is because we're already seeing a shift.
In the disciples prior to this OK, what happened at the resurrection with all the disciples?


They all scattered.
Now Luke is telling us that they're all together in one accord.
They're together.
They're not scattering and they're obeying.
And I want you to think of this what we are 40 days out from the resurrection.


What do you think it was like in Jerusalem and why?
Do you remember when they scattered in the 1st place?
Why did they leave?
They were scared.
They were scared, so the environment was hot.
Now I'm going to use a modern day example here.
Unfortunately, and as sad as it is, the majority of our community here in Arvin was scared over the last few days, weren't they?


Why were they scared?
So the streets were empty, all the Taco places were gone.
I know that sounds a little silly, but this is a real, real deal.
Like people were on lockdown, they were afraid to leave their houses.


Because of immigration.
But more so let's take that further.
Because the environment right now was hot and the word spread quickly.
Jerusalem was similar.
All you followers of Christ, guess what, Your leader was crucified now, even though Jesus raised was raised from the dead.


What were they saying during this time?
The Romans and the Jews.
That he's dead.
That he's dead, somebody stole his body.
We're going to get his followers.
The pressure was on.
So I say that so that we can appreciate what is going on here.


They have encountered the risen King and he is given them orders and now they're marching.
They this, this is a good thing.
Verse 13.
So they get to they get to Jerusalem.


Go ahead and read verse 13 for us.
And when they and when they had entered, they went up into the upper room where they were staying, Peter, James, John and Andrew, Philip and Thomas and Barth, Molly.


Bartholomew and Matthew, James the son of Alpheus and Simon the Zealot, and Jesus the son of James.
OK, so this upper room place they were familiar with, if we were to you know, it's it's hard to pinpoint, but this was most likely this upper room is where they had the Last Supper.


This upper room most likely is the place of Joseph of Amarathea and Nicodemus and Joseph of Amarathea had secured the body of Jesus and now they're using this place, this upper room, their home as a base.


And so they've returned there and this is where they are going to stay.
Now we see the names obviously of of them, but then in verse 14, let's read it, it says they all continued with one accord.
Don't overlook that the power of that phrase of being a 11 accord.


They have one mind, they have one resolve and that right now is is in its simplicity is obedience to Jesus.
They're in one accord in prayer, notice and supplication.
So what, as far as your understanding know it, what would be the difference?


Is this what we would call a redundant phrase?
Like you're just saying the same thing twice?
Prayer and supplication?
What is Supplication?
Well, I don't know what that word means in the first place.
OK, well that's good.
Now you're getting it.


Because what we're after is to know.
Like you either know what you know or you don't know what you don't know.
This word supplication means asking request.
Here you are.
It's a form of prayer.
So your prayer is more like your prayer life is more than just asking God to do stuff.


Your prayer life involves praise.
It involves talking with God.
It's it's laying things before his throne.
Another aspect is supplication.
That's what we would call petitioning or asking.
So they are there in prayer and there or what do you think they're asking God for at this time in verse 14?


Maybe just like me, just like answers or like or like protects them as they go on, as they go on their journeys.
Yeah, I mean, there's a lot that they can be asking, right?
Because Jesus says I'm going to, I want you to.
They don't know.


They're waiting on the promise that Jesus has told them of what?
The Holy Spirit now they don't know when he just all he said, all Jesus said is not many days.
Well, it's going to be 10 days for them.
So during this time I would imagine they're saying, Lord, I need you.


I need your help.
I need you to settle my spirit.
I'm a little on edge right now.
Things are like this is this is this situation is hot.
I'm sure.
So prayer, supplication, and then notice the in phrase here with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus and his brothers.


Very, very significant.
I want to read some of our discipleship guide here.
It says they.
This is the second paragraph.
When we get into the commentary on verse 12 through 14, it says they all join together with one accord.


What a contrast this was to the jealousy exhibited before the cross where each wanted to be the great, greatest.
That's a good point because I don't know if you remember this, but like in the book of Matthew, there was a discussion in the in this same scene in the upper room of Saint, who gets to sit at your right hand at the Kingdom of God?


And they were like, who could be the greatest?
And then Jesus says the greatest will be the servant among you, right?
So their ideas are shifting.
Now they're together as a cohesive group.
And then it goes on.
It says, as mentioned before, Jesus dealt with them all after the resurrection, and especially Peter.


Now all were restored and recommissioned, harboring no conflict or jealousy.
All were with one mind, united together, together or in one accord.
And then it says being united with one purpose is surely still an important key to getting God's work done.


This is what Christian fellowship is all about.
In other words, if you want to do something for Christ, we don't want to be a Lone Ranger.
We need people to come along with us for the journey.
We need each other.
And getting God's work done happens in the context of community by his church.


Does that make sense?
It does.
Now it says in vert in the second part, they all join constantly in prayer.
This includes faithfulness to the temple in the morning and evening hours.
I think this part is important because sometimes we might have a sense like they're locked up behind closed door for the next 10 days.


They're just like camping out in the upper room.
No, they probably went to the hours of prayer.
They also, as we'll see that they spent time in God's Word because Peter is going to get a word and we won't get to that.


But that's in verse 15.
So let's let's continue on.
It says they kept an atmosphere of prayer and as Luke 2453 shows, united in prayer in joyful praise with the expectation of the outpouring of the Spirit was their chief occupation during these days.


They were asking for the promised gift of the Spirit, United prayer and praise with expectation that God will fulfill His promise was common in Acts and still important if we want to see fresh outpourings of the Spirit.


What do you think that means?
That we have to pray if we want to see fresh outpourings of the Spirit?
I don't know.
Well, it, it means when, when we use that type of language that we are going to go to prayer and we're going to ask God to do what only God can do.


A fresh outpouring is like a renewal.
Like God, I, I need you to fill me up.
I need you to fill me up because let's let's just face it, we we have times when we get into God's word and when we go to church and maybe you just feel like you leave church.


Remember the last meal we ate.
We just said, man, that was a good meal.
I feel really satisfied right.
Sometimes spiritually speaking, we can have those times as well, but then as time goes on, you begin to empty yourself out, spiritually speaking.


And we need God is set this up by design that we need a fresh outpouring, a new empowerment.
Like not new in the sense that we haven't received that before, but new in the sense of I need to get topped off.


I'm out of gas.
I, I, I, I need, I need to declare my dependence back on God.
And so this concept is consistent all throughout the New Testament.
I can give you verse after verse.
Paul tells us to be continually filled with the Spirit.


Jude tells us to always pray in the Spirit.
Paul also says to fan the flame.
It's as if you've got a fire on the inside of you, you're responsible to keep that going and you got to put another log on the fire.
Or sometimes if the fire goes low, you have to fan it a little bit to get that spark going again.


This is what we mean by fresh outpourings of His Spirit so that we can be totally and completely dependent upon Him.
And let's face it, Noah, as humans, we need a reminder of that too.
Meaning in the Beatitudes, Jesus first opened up and he says blessed are the poor in spirit.


Do you remember what that meant?
I do know.
It means blessed are the porn spirit, those that have their total dependence upon him.
That's what that means.
And so this aspect right here is a vital part of our walk.


We need to be constantly renewed in our minds because we fill up with a lot of junk.
This is why our Bible, Bible reading is important.
Your church attendance is important.
This is why your prayer life is very, very important because we're constantly being renewed and changed while we're on this journey.


OK, let's finish this out.
It says the women because we have the women mentioned.
Look, it says the women joined with them in prayer with the same steadfastness.
That's a great word, by the way.
What do you think that means?
The same intentions maybe?


Yeah, like, consistently, like, like, yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm going to be true to this.
So they're committing themselves to prayer.
And everybody was on the same page.
And it says, actually the women were present all along, supporting Jesus and his ministry.
In those days, if one man was present, the masculine pronoun was used for the mixed group.


Even when Peter called them brothers in verse 16, this included the women.
The Jews understood this, but Luke wanted Theophilus and other Gentiles to know the women were present and praying, and so he mentioned them.
Specifically, they included Mary Magdalene, Salome, Joanna, Mary and Martha of Bethany, John, Mark's mother Susanna, and others who had followed Jesus, supported him financially, and witnessed his death.


Burial in resurrection.
That's beautiful right there.
And then, of course, Mary, the mother of Jesus, is given a special mention.
She was present because John was fulfilling Jesus's request to take care of her.
She wasn't there as a leader, but simply joined the others in humble prayer and in waiting for the promise of the Father.


Now this is a unique no.
I don't know if you can appreciate this or not.
Mary, the mother of Jesus, carried the Savior of the world in her womb, right?
She had him inside of her, in her belly, and now she is waiting, just like everybody else, to receive Him back in a new way via the Holy Spirit.


That is incredible.
It's an incredible thought and it's a beautiful picture and it is so it says, it goes on.
It says we can be sure she received the Spirit even though this is the last time she is mentioned in Acts.


Some traditions say she died in Jerusalem.
Others say she went with John to Ephesus and died there.
Here's the next part that's even cooler because notice at the end of verse #14 it says marry the mother of Jesus comma and his brothers.


Here's why this is important.
The brothers of Jesus were present though prior to the cross they did not believe on him.
Let's read a couple of these verses.
Mark 321 it says But when his own people heard about this, they went out to lay hold of him, for they said he is out of his mind.


John 75 For even his brothers did not believe in him.
So think about this.
How can how can your own family not believe who you are?
Something changed.
If they're there, what do you think it was?


I don't.
I don't really know, honestly.
Well, here, read the next line.
See how I have an underline.
Jesus, however, made a special appearance to the eldest of his brothers, James.
Where do we get that from?
1st Corinthians 15, seven.


Let's read it.
After that he was seen by James, then all the apostles.
So Jesus appeared to his own brothers after the resurrection.
That's what's changed.
They believe him now.
Both James and Jude became leaders in the Jerusalem church.


Now these brothers were joined in one accord with the others, waiting for the promise of the Father as well.
That's pretty cool.
It is it is very, very cool.
So any any closing thoughts?
Any closing questions?


I don't think so.
Well, we, we're recording this on Wednesday before Bible study.
So are you excited for Bible study?
Yeah, We'll see what happens in Bible study.
I have.
I have, like I always say, I have no agenda.
No agenda.


We'll just see what gets thrown out there and what what happens and where we end up right.
That could be good or bad.
I know some people be like, what do you mean you have no agenda?
It's because we can go 1000 different ways.
I'm I'm full.
You know what I mean?
Like when I say I'm full, I'm full.


I've got the word I've.
Kind of like the podcast is able to go in in whatever direction it goes in.
Yeah, yeah, just just like a podcast.
So my goal for those of you listening at home, I've, I feel like I'm already behind because we've only gone through the 1st 14 verses.


But I do want to say this because you may be like, oh boy, we're in for it for the book of Acts.
No, not necessarily.
We're laying a lot of groundwork right now as, as form of like introductory matters as we go along.
I think we can get along a whole lot better and faster.


So to give you an idea, from verse 15 down to 26, I think we'll be able to tackle that in one good podcast.
In fact, I might even ask Martin if if he wants to join me for those.
Would you be OK with that, Noah?
I'm fine with that.


No, I'm not.
I don't.
Well, sometimes I I am I twisting your arm to do the podcasts.
Sometimes, sometimes, most of the time now.
So we'll, we'll keep on.
We'll keep on trucking through acts and and by the way, if you want to be on the podcast, reach out, let me know.


I'm more than happy.
I don't mind.
And yeah, anybody of you listening at home, I've got a we've got to set up all ready to receive you and we'll end it on there.
So looking forward to Bible study.
I hope you're blessed and we'll see you on the next episode.


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I hope you'll TuneIn for the next episode.
Until then, we'll see you later.