You're listening to Al Pastor, the show that helps you love God, love your neighbor, and eat more tacos.
I'm your host, Pastor Brian.
Welcome to the show.
Hey friends, I want to welcome you to today's episode.
We're going to be walking through Acts chapter one.
We're going to start in verse #4 can't promise you how far we're going to get, but we'll see how far.
Today in studio, I have a special guest.
It is not Noah, but it is Martin.
Martin, do you want to greet everybody?
Hello everybody.
My name is Martin Lopez.
I'm a new saved Christian about probably a little over a month ago and I'm excited to be here.
Hey, we are so happy that you have been coming to Arvind Assembly and you've just you're diving right in, which is incredible.
How did you get to know Urban Assembly?
That was through my friend Memo.
He been invited me to his young adults Bible study which was started back in I want to say August, September and I was very hesitant to go at first because I was still stuck to my sin like a dog to his vomit.
So I was not ready until God pretty much as put it in my heart and he was like, all right, it's time to go this time to let go of that sin.
And now I'm here, and it's been the best month of my life.
That's awesome.
How old are you?
I'm 23 years old. 23 So those of you that go to Army assembly, I want to encourage you meet Martin, shake his hand, hug his neck, all that good stuff.
And when I say you're diving in, you're you're really are like you jumping in with everything we're doing right with God's word and and tracking along.
So that is, that is probably one of the best things you can ever do.
It's also encouraging.
I want you to know how encouraging that is when someone just fully gives himself over to this process of discipleship that we're doing.
So for us to get to know you a little bit better.
I've, I have a test and I'd like to ask, what is your favorite Taco?
OK, 'cause this is the Al Pastor Podcast.
Of course.
So you you've got to realize this is an audio only podcast.
So you have to be very descriptive.
And then I'm going to judge you after based on your tacos, OK?
That sounds good to me.
I'm ready for this.
All right, so tell give it to us.
So my favorite kind of Taco has kind of changed throughout the years, but as of recent, I would say it would be tied between either out pastor, but with the slices of pineapple.
I don't know if you've ever had those before.
It's the best thing in the world.
And if not that, it would probably be Cabeza.
OK, Cabeza.
They're just, you got tongue in there.
You got cheeks, cheekbones, everything, all that.
And it's some of the most flavorful meat you'll ever have.
It just melts in your mouth.
It does.
It does, yeah.
OK, So what kind of a tortilla does it matter?
I would prefer like a corn tortilla like those yellow, the yellow corn, the medium sized one.
I can't do those tiny ones.
Those are bite sizes for me, yeah.
Oh, I, I'm with you now.
Now though, is the tortilla, is it dry or do they got to put a little grease on that thing?
I wouldn't mind a little grease, not too, not too greasy, but just a little grease just to give it that extra flavor.
It's I would say it's ideal.
What do you put on the Taco?
Let's let's go with that Halpa store.
What do you put?
Store I definitely put my cilantro, a little bit of onion and it would probably have to be some of that, like avocado salsa.
My mom makes some of the best salsa I've ever had, and I'm blessed with that, like almost every other day, yeah.
Well, have you had the tacos right off of Bear Mountain?
Where they where they cut it right off the Trompa, the all paw store?
Not at that one, but I'm I've been to Taco spots like the one in Vegas, the Tacos El Gordo.
That's one of my favorites.
I've got so many pictures and videos from there.
I've haven't been there since I was, I want to say like 1213.
I still remember those tacos.
I still remember them.
The line is always out the door.
It is, and I didn't realize that you have to be in different lines for specific meats or like they have a whole line for quesadillas.
Thor does all that stuff.
That was kind of a trip for me, honestly.
Well, I, I lived in Ensenada for six months off and on.
So I was learning Spanish and so the church actually sent me down there to learn Spanish because we wanted to try to recharge in a little bit better.
So I would, I stayed with the host family and I was in language school full time, like 8 hours a day.
So man, I, that was my hobby.
I went to every Taco spot in Ensenada.
That's how I was introduced to that style of al pastor.
Oh, really?
Yeah, because not everywhere, not it depends on what part of Mexico you're from, you know.
So for me, al pastor has the Trump where they just shave it right off the red, the deep red with the pineapple.
Of course they got the pineapple just rotating at the very top.
It's it's a beauty to see, honestly.
All right, so you ready for your judgement here?
Of course.
All right, so you, you are a worthy Taco connoisseur.
I applaud you.
Thank you.
And that is awesome.
I encourage you.
They'll go to the one on Bear Mountain.
They are good.
Like you're heading out of Arvin.
Yeah, as soon as you as soon as you pass 711, it's on your left hand side.
So you crossover Comanche and they usually post up around 4:00 or 5:00 and, and there's several, but they're the ones you'll see.
They've got, I think, four or five different tents and you'll see the, the throne part, right?
There, man.
Is it from the Bear Mountain peaks or is it from another?
No, no, no.
It's a different.
One is it called La Raza?
I don't even know the name.
Because if it's La Raza, that's probably where my mom works right now.
Oh, OK.
Yeah, yeah.
And they have some really good food out there.
You got to check it out.
It it is good in the red the red ALPA store.
It says the salsa they just like marinate it with.
Just something to die for for sure.
They've got they've got the avocado salsa.
Their sava is good too.
Oh, you can never go around with Sava.
But they they smoke it and it's, it's got a smoky flavour.
So you got to be into the the smoky meat.
So that's good.
Give that BBQ feel to it.
Well, right on, Martin.
I'm so glad that you're here.
I hope you're comfortable.
This is your first podcast, right?
First podcast.
Yeah, and feel pretty comfortable already.
Alright, sounds like you're going to be a natural.
So what's on our agenda is we're going to start in Acts chapter one, verse four, and we're going to go light.
I don't want to go too deep, but I also want to kind of feed off of you because I'm more interested in especially framing this as you, you know, some of these things being really new.
I want you to know, First off, there are no dumb questions.
You don't know what you don't know.
So whatever you, whatever you've got or whatever piques your interest, that's what we're going to talk about.
OK, so let's read Acts one, verse 4.
It says and being assembled together with them.
He commanded them.
Of course, that's Speaking of Jesus not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, which he said you have heard from me.
So in this just just a real foundational of this verse, Jesus is speaking to them.
He's giving them some clear instructions.
He's been with them over the last about 40 days or so.
This is the resurrected Jesus.
And when we think about the, the, the, the gravity of the resurrected Savior, King Jesus has now instructed them, he says, I want, I don't want you to go anywhere.
Before they had been scared.
We see at the end of the Gospels they were running for their lives.
I mean, they scattered, they separated.
And so now he as the resurrected Savior, he gives them some confidence, gives them some boldness.
They're going to receive even more after Acts chapter 2.
But he says, I want you to stay right here because he had taught them in depth about the role in the nature of the Holy Spirit.
So this verse, is that what we would call it an echo that goes back to the Gospels.
So is there anything that stood out to you, whether it's in in the the text or in your discipleship guide that you want to kind of cover or go over?
Probably just the fact that Acts is just a continuation of of Luke, right?
Because there's evidence that Luke was the author of both Luke, of course.
And then the Acts.
And I love the fact that they were mentioning how historically accurate this man was when they came to writing the gospel and the the book of Acts.
And I think that was probably the one of the most like, entertaining facts that I found from this book.
Yeah, absolutely.
So it's really kind of AI would say indisputable as to Luke being the author there.
You will always find people that still kind of have this as speculative, but Luke is, I mean, there's really no question.
And the fact that it is a continuation from his first account, specifically his gospel, it is also we can expand that and it can be bigger.
It's a continuation of the overarching story of God that goes back into the Old Testament from Genesis.
And so I like how in our discipleship guides the gentleman's name, Stanley Horton.
He he mentions and I don't remember where, but he he talks about how Luke weaves from Genesis 315.
He shows it in infant stages and I don't want to take for granted.
So you're going to have to stop me if if I'm speaking like it, like Chinese to you.
Right, right.
So when I say Genesis, this is back the garden.
Of the East.
And he connects it all the way through Abraham into King David, into the Gospels to write now and then that continuation lives on through us, which is absolutely incredible.
So I really like the fact that that is appealing to you.
Want to bring this up.
I brought it up in yesterday's podcast episode with Noah.
We were talking about the the Wes Huff, Joe Rogan, his appearance on there.
So you, you had said before we started recording, you watched it too, right?
Yeah, it was something to watch for sure.
Yeah, just getting a better understanding of like the historical evidence and just the just unlimited resources just that this man provides that not only assures my faith, but just proves like the doubters and skeptics that there is historical evidence that proves this, you know, that Jesus really lived with, lived on this earth.
He died, he resurrected.
And it's just, it's something just to be amazed by every single day.
And one of the things that really had stood out to me on is he actually specifically was talking about Luke.
And he was talking about how Luke used what we would say in their time, the modern conventions of the day, through a school that taught how to write reliable histories and biographies.
And Luke is very similar in his stories.
And you might not, you know, catch on to some of the names, but he talks about people like Josephus, which was a which was an ancient history, history writer who worked for Rome.
He was of Jewish descent.
And so we see similarities in not necessarily writing style, but in the way that they approach the text.
And so Luke really is taking a careful account and he's he's showing these witnesses.
So the reliability of this is, although there are still critics and skeptics that can look back today for their day.
This was the gold standard, the gold standard.
And then when we start looking at the evidence of manuscripts in comparison with other ancient documents, so, so incredible.
We have over 5000 documentations of the New Testament that that we know of so far.
And then when you look at like writings of of Homer, the Iliad, that Iliad, have you ever heard of the writings of Homer, the Odyssey?
I haven't actually no.
I heard of the Odyssey.
There is.
It's an ancient story.
There are only 8 known manuscripts and the the closest manuscript that they can found is about a dates back to 1000 years after it was supposedly written.
Now this book Homer is normally I don't know if they still do it, but back when I was going to school it was just required reading.
It was just something you would always have to read.
I think now that you mentioned that, I do remember reading it like I think fifths or 6th grade or something like that.
Same thing with the writings of like Shakespeare and things like that.
So Luke is a is a historian.
But more than that, it also said in our introduction that Luke is also a theologian And and that is, and it's like, OK, well, what do we do with that?
What does that mean?
Well, it means that he's given us more than just facts.
When, when, when he says.
And the way that we should understand this as Luke as a theologian is the word theology simply means how we think and speak about God.
So he's tech giving us some some really deep insights and clues on on the perspective of God Mean there are doctrines and there are teachings that are contained within this book.
Now they're not in the way that we would prefer them.
And when I say that is today, we'd want like statement #1 here's #1 we believe that Jesus is the eternal God and he is God in the flesh.
Like then we would say #2 we believe in the, we would say big words here.
Infallibility and reliability of the Scripture.
It is inspired Luke.
They, that's not how they operated back there.
So it's all woven in.
So really, really fascinating.
I just got a good question.
Is it?
I think it was something mentioned in the guide that Luke is a Gentile at this time.
Or is he one of the people that came later on after I think Judas betrayed Jesus?
Or was he still involved with the disciples during that time?
Yes, most likely Luke is a Gentile convert.
We don't have all the details, but there are some things that we can get really good sense of and how that came to be.
We're not told his back story, but that he is a Gentile physician and he was a traveling companion of the Apostle Paul.
Paul will be introduced later on.
The apostle Paul wrote the majority of the New Testament.
We have 27 books and he wrote about 75% of what we have.
And so Luke was a traveling companion and A and a physician and he was welcome, well acquainted not only with Paul, but also with the rest of the disciples as well, because on their journeys, Luke travels.
For instance, there's something in the book of Acts that's called the wee passages.
And Paul, Luke includes himself in these wee passages during these travels.
So he goes to Jerusalem and he goes up to Antioch and he goes up into Ephesus.
And he even at one point was with the Apostle Paul in prison.
He would visit Paul in prison and he would help him.
So Luke is a fascinating character.
So he is not a first hand eyewitness to the resurrected Jesus, but he is a careful historian and he's a convert to the faith, which is amazing.
Same thing with Theophilus.
Like, you know, we, we don't know who he was, but he certainly most likely helped get this off the ground and up and running and.
I I liked last night's podcast how you guys broke down his name.
Oh OK, the lover of God.
That was do you like, I'm just trying to probe you just to see where your passions are because everybody has different things.
So what, what kind of things interest you?
Do word studies interest you?
It's funny you mentioned that because I've never been much of A reader even even through high school, college, I just did whatever I had to do to get by.
I never went out of my way to study or really like read like that.
But when it comes to the word of God, it's like a whole different thing.
It is even my buddy Memo when he makes correlations from the New Testament to the Old Testament, because I'm still not well versed an Old Testament.
I don't even think I've even touched it yet.
OK, so I'm I've barely just got through the gospels.
I just finished Luke.
So it's funny that we're just act starting to act.
So it's just like, that's exactly where I'm at right now.
So when I do hear these correlations and parallels from the New Testament to the Old Testament and prophecies that were talked about like thousand 2000 years ago, yeah, it's just mind blowing.
And I just and I was telling memo.
It's just, I'm so addicted to, to the word now, like I'm just want to know more and more and more about it, you know?
That's good.
That's good.
There's a there's a sense that we because the Bible calls itself this comes out of a book called Hebrews that the word of God is living and active and sharper than A2 edged sword.
So when we read God's word, God's word also reads back to us.
It, it, it, it pierces the Bible says like between the bone and marrow, discerning the thoughts and the intentions of our heart.
And so as we get into this word, it because it is living and active, it, it is entirely different than any other piece of literature.
And so I, I want to, I want to take a moment to encourage you is, I'll put it this way, I've been, let's see how I'm trying to think how long, how long I've been doing this.
Minimum 20 years, been pastoring full time 17 years.
I still have that same approach to God's word.
It never gets old, man, never.
It never gets old.
So I encourage you to the biblical concept is to fan that flame and to always keep that going.
One of the good ways that you're going to do that is doing what we're doing right now, establishing in your life a healthy when I say healthy because sometimes people contend, and I'm not saying you would do this.
You can go overboard.
You could die like you dive in, praise the Lord, but also develop your your rhythms of discipline because there will come times where sometimes things seem dry, right?
Like, man, I'm in the desert, I'm not finding anything.
And it's in those times that, believe it or not, God will actually work more.
And so developing this discipline allows God to come in and establish this precedent in our lives.
Yeah, 100.
Percent and it will carry you through is what I'm trying to carry you through difficult seasons.
I just think right back to the book of Job.
All 100% that's from the Old Testament, right?
It is.
I haven't read it read it, but I've heard people go over verses in his life story about it.
And I think it's something that I've mentioned to myself and friends from the the Young adults Bible study that like right now I'm on fire and it feels amazing.
But I know that there'll be times and seasons that I won't feel like this.
And that's where the true test will come.
It does.
And everything I'm going through right now, that it's all great and dandy, but this will all prep me for those moments of seasons where I might not be on fire or I might be going through trials and tribulations.
Yes, God is always faithful to us.
And then we also do our part as well.
And this is how we do our part by establishing this, this discipline, this, this rhythm.
So it's awesome.
It's awesome.
Now let's, let's, let's put that into the context of what's going on here in Acts, because actually this is really, really similar.
These guys have been walking with Jesus for approximately 3 three years or so, OK?
They they've, they've devoted their lives to him.
And now he's there, he's resurrected.
They fell, they they failed him.
All of these disciples, with the exception of John had deserted Jesus.
Jesus has now appeared to them.
He has now commissioned them in the sense of like, now it's really, really going to get crazy for you.
He says, I don't.
In verse four, he says I don't want you to depart from Jerusalem, but I want you to wait.
So they're about to receive some.
I shouldn't say something someone, the Holy Spirit that he had been promising to them.
There is we live in a society that is really instant gratification and immediate meaning.
You know we want everything now.
And I've been like that for most of my life prior.
And I'm going to take this back now to the little bit of the podcast because I was with Wes Huff and Joe Rogan, because I was talking with Noah on this.
He actually, there's a, there's some clips.
One of these days I'll figure out how to do all this fancy stuff where we could like, pull it up and watch it.
Like target does it.
Yeah, yeah, just watch the.
Clip What's his name?
We need a Jamie.
Well, that's what I'm setting Noah for.
He's he's going to be the producer here of the show and we get that all going.
But in fact, I got to take it back because he did a podcast with PBD, and PBD asked him, he said, could anybody do what you did to Billy Carson?
And because what PBD was like, man, you are special.
You're rare.
He was trying to tell Wes Huff.
And Wes Huff is very humble.
He's like, yeah, anybody, anybody with any good sense of God's word or theologian that's been trained like this stuff is easily debunked.
And then he asked Wes Huff, how many, how long have you dedicated yourself to this?
Would you?
And he was trying to get to a point of what we would call X level expert, right?
And according to PBD standards and most standards, they would say 10,000 hours worth of, of study in your field to become level expert.
And Wes is like, yeah, I've got that.
And, you know, he's 33, but he's been doing this for a lot of years.
And he he was raised in the family that's been doing missionaries and very into the faith, correct, especially in those very hostile environments, he said.
He was born in the Middle East, grew up in Jordan, Iran, where people are getting persecuted and killed for their faith, which is kind of sad and very like, just bewildering to hear.
But you know, Jesus mentioned like he warned us about this, you know, you'll be persecuted for my namesake.
And and so here was a big take away for me is even though he's at level expert, you know, 10,000 hours or so, he started talking about how we easily just want instant results.
We want to just Fact Check, we want to go.
But the the best things in life come from doing what we're doing right now.
It's AI call it we live in a microwave generation, but we serve a crock pot.
God, he wants to slow cook you man like he that's that's what he wants.
And so bringing it back to this, Jesus wants them to wait.
He says, you've been with me for three years, but they're still something more for you to receive.
And that something is the Holy Spirit.
And he says you've heard this from me.
This isn't coming out of nowhere.
You're I've taught you, I've trained you, you have walked with me.
And then he goes into verse five.
He says for John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.
So Jesus is showing the difference between 2 baptisms that are here.
And so we've got to ask the question, what was John's baptism and is what is John?
We would say, we could say John's baptism today, but we don't talk that way.
We actually just say baptism with water.
John came preaching of the one who was going to come.
He came announcing, saying, hey, community, people of God, specifically Israel, the one who was promised in the Word, He's here and you need to get ready.
So your baptism in water was an anticipation of the one who was coming.
Now after Jesus comes, when we're baptized in water, we're identifying symbolically with his death, his burial in his resurrection.
And I don't want to assume you know this.
And but for all of us, even listening at home, when a person is baptized, they stand outside of the water and they say, I no longer live.
It is Christ in me.
I now identify with his death, and I have died too.
I've died to my own self, to my own will, my own desires.
And then you go down into the water just as Jesus went into the grave.
And then just as Jesus was resurrected, you come out of that water with new life as a new person, a new creation.
The Bible calls us in 2nd Corinthians 5, and that is baptism.
That's the symbolism.
Now they are familiar with that because that's in essence what John the Baptist was preaching it.
It's symbolic, but Jesus is talking about a baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Now we're not talking about water, we're talking about receiving something from the Father.
It is an activation of the one who already resides on the inside of you.
So I can pour water into this bottle, but if I were to baptize it, I would have to sink it down underneath the water.
It have to be overflowing, completely saturated.
When someone becomes saved or born again, they have the Spirit within them.
But being baptized in the Spirit is something that is separate.
And Jesus differentiates between these two terms.
They have experienced this new nature of what we would call being born again.
But Jesus says you need to wait, because there's more.
I got a quick thought.
Is this?
Is this the same thing that Jesus was trying to explain to Nicodemus in the previous I think in John?
It is.
Where he was asking how the how does one be born again does how does one enter the mother womb and come out again?
I thought.
Yeah, it is.
It's closely tied in.
So prior to Jesus being resurrected from the grave, this concept of being born again was not necessarily possible until the resurrection.
Now the question is, is what we, what we see here in Acts is that this experience of being born again?
And the answer to that is no.
These disciples had already been born again.
And the way that I'm going to show this to you is if you're in Acts, so I want you to flip over one page because you have your Bible in front of you.
Go to John chapter 20, and I'm going to show you.
And we're going to look at verse 26.
This is after the resurrection.
Did you find it OK?
It says.
And after 8 days his disciples were again inside, and Thomas with him, and Jesus came the doors being shut, and he stood in the midst, and he said, peace to you.
And then he said to Thomas, Reach out your finger here and look at my hands.
Reach your hands here and put it into my side.
Do not be unbelieving, but believing and Thomas answered and he said to him, my Lord and my God, beautiful scripture there.
Verse 29, Jesus said to him, because you have seen me, you have believed.
Blessed are those who have not seen and believed.
Now I'm going to back up because I want to go up now to verse 19.
I know we're reading a little bit out of order, but I'm going to explain to you this born again because verse 19 then the same day and evening being the first day of the week when the doors were shut, where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst and he said to them, peace be with you.
This was always Jesus's message, peace, peace.
And if I start talking about the biblical concept of peace, we're going to get sidetracked, but it's a beautiful, beautiful thing.
Verse 20, when he said this, he showed them his hands and his side, and then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord.
So Jesus said to them again, peace to you as the Father has sent me, I also send you.
And when he had said this, he breathed on them and he said receive the Holy Spirit.
Now Jesus breathes on them meaning like he he went and he said in that moment receive the Holy Spirit.
This was the moment they were born again.
That was not possible until Jesus has resurrected from the grave.
Now what is Jesus doing here and why would he breathe on them?
Do you have any thoughts or ideas on that?
Not at the top of my head.
No, OK, I want you to look in your Bible.
Let's go now to the very, very beginning, First book of the Bible, book of Genesis.
OK, I'm going to show you something cool, and then we'll go back to Acts.
Genesis chapter 2, I believe.
Could be one.
Got to find it.
For those of you listening at home, we're just flipping through pages here.
We're going, we're going and.
This is my favorite part of the Bible is being able to flip back from the old and New Testament and finding the yes the prophecies being told in like 2000 years ago.
And let's see.
And we're looking.
We're looking, let me go here.
I should have went here.
Let me go into I'm just going to go into Genesis and let me go here.
I can find it a little bit better.
OK, It's in chapter 2 and oh, here we go.
OK, Genesis chapter 2, verse 7, it says, and the Lord God formed man out of the dust of the ground.
So I want you to think about this an inanimate object, like it's like a sculptor sculpting a piece of clay.
Here's the man's body he made and that's that's the that's the term dust is like clay earth.
And then notice how he animates.
And when I say animates, this is the activation of coming alive.
It says that he did what he breathed into his nostrils, the breath of life and man became a living being that's.
So the concept of salvation is that we are spiritually dead, we are spiritually bankrupt.
When we become born again, as Jesus was saying, you brought this up with Nicodemus, we are resurrected from the grave.
And so in John 21, Jesus appears to them in the first thing he does is peace to you, and then He breathes, receive the Holy Spirit.
And in that moment they became alive just as man was.
And it's awesome because the Bible describes Jesus as the last Adam as well.
So the first Adam sinned.
Death came as a result of their disobedience.
We would call this the the fall of man, meaning you inherit this sin nature from him.
But the last Adam the Bible calls this called typography.
I'm not trying to give you too much here, but I'll give you what you can.
The last Adam is a living spirit because he gives life.
First Adam gave death.
The last Adam gave life.
So in John 21 that we just read when he says received, that was the moment they became born again.
So when we go back now to Acts, Acts chapter, Acts chapter 2, and I'm just going to go ahead and do it on the screen, Acts chapter 2 and we were reading verse 5, right?
Oh, now I'm sorry.
Acts chapter one, verse 5.
Oh yeah, I got the whole paragraph right there.
So when Jesus says for John truly baptized with water, but you should be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.
We're not talking about salvation.
We're not talking about being born again.
There is something apart from your salvation that is known as the baptism of the Holy Spirit and in our discipleship guides it.
It said that it is.
I think that he worded this as let me see here, let me go back.
He, he goes, he connects us back to Abraham, back to Genesis.
Let's see that they are empowered.
They are spirit baptized, Spirit empowered, and spirit filled prophets.
And when he says prophets, we're talking about speaking the words of God.
Sometimes people think of prophets like I call it like woo woo Nostradamus stuff.
And there's certainly some foretelling elements of prophecy in the Bible, there's no doubt about it.
But most often when the Bible speaks of prophets, it's talking about taking God's word and making God's mind, his mind and his will plain.
And that is the sense also of prophets.
And so let's read this little paragraph.
This is this is in our discipleship guide.
It says, know that Jesus made a clear distinction between baptism and water.
We've talked about that and baptism in the Holy Spirit.
The fact that in church history, theologians eventually tied the baptism of this in the Spirit to water baptism was devastating.
Let me unpack that for you because this is this is, there's a lot of back story to this meaning throughout church history, which started with something that's called the Reformation, when Protestants were called Protestants because we protested something.
And this started with a man by the name of Martin Luther.
I'm going to go back.
Westhuft talks about OK.
And so they, they, they protested some of the practices of the Catholic Church.
Specifically, it was indulgences, meaning you get a I'm going to hand you a business card and you get a free license for sin so you don't have to spend as much time in purgatory.
Or if you have a loved one that's suffering right now in purgatory, if you give some money to the Church, I'll issue that you this indulgence and you Martin can can diminish their time in purgatory.
And they were selling these things.
That's crazy to me.
It's absolutely insane, I know.
That's what they would call blasphemy in the sense, right?
Or or how would you describe it?
I'm trying to be very respectful, right?
It's unfortunate.
I'll put it this way.
There's more.
So there's not necessarily a scriptural precedence for that.
Meaning we don't find that in the Bible, but it comes from the traditions of man.
And it's been employed as a means of, of financial projects like we need to.
And part of this was they were building a cathedral and they needed to fund that thing.
Now, the reason that I'm telling you this, and what does this have to do with all of this is once the Protestants came out of Catholicism, which in the scope of things isn't very long, doctrines became developed.
And so this idea or notion of the Holy Spirit was not necessarily fully known meaning like baptism.
So theologians early on tied together the the born again experience that I just described to you from John to Spirit baptism.
They didn't differentiate between the two.
So they said you the moment that you're saved, you are baptized.
And then he goes on.
So he says, the fact that church history theologians eventually tied baptism into the Spirit to water baptism was devastating.
OK, that answers my question.
Why it was devastating.
And then, he says, and then when baptisms eventually transferred from adult converts to infants in Christian homes, which meant that they too had now received the Spirit, the phenomenological experiential dimension to the life of the Spirit was all but eliminated.
So what he what he's also saying is, for instance, with us, there are many what we would consider brothers and sisters in Christ of different stripes, right.
We do not practice what is known as technical term is paleo baptisms.
That means you baptize children.
We don't baptize infants.
We dedicate infants, which means we simply in fact, we may have a dedication here at church in the next couple of weeks.
There's nothing like, you know, too elaborate, but what we do is we acknowledge that this child is a gift from God and we publicly confess that we'll raise that child according to God's word.
That's what we mean by dedication, a presentation, and it's a community aspect.
But we don't baptize the child because because what has happened is people have tied together this born again experience with baptism and they're saying, well, it's all together.
So you need to get your child baptized.
We say, no, hold on for a second.
There's something more.
And so he goes on, he says the Pentecostal revival.
Now this term Pentecostal simply let me I don't want to assume you know simply means it is a group of people that believe that God still continues his miracles today.
Gifts of the Spirit like God can still heal, people can still we'll see in the Bible can speak with other tongues.
People there are still healing.
There are things that still continue on today.
So when he says Pentecostal, that's what he's Speaking of.
And he says this Pentecostal revival has brought needed restoration.
As Pentecostals and charismatics, this word charismatic is the word Charism is the word for gifts, mean we believe gifts of the Spirit.
We find that the baptism in the Spirit is still an overwhelming experience that initiates a new level of life in the Spirit.
We find too, that this baptism is the gateway to a special cluster of gifts described by Paul, prophetic type gifts including the message of wisdom, the message of knowledge, prophecy, distinguishing between spirits, different kinds of tongues, and interpretation of tongues.
Now that's a whole lot to unpack there, but I'm going to try to give it to you very simply in, in in the book of Corinthians, there are 9 gifts specifically of the Spirit.
So once you have been initiated into what we would call the life of the Spirit, of the baptism of the Spirit, you have now become a candidate or open to more of an empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
It's an activation doesn't mean you don't have the Spirit living inside of you.
It just means now you have become more open to do things that you wouldn't normally be able to do.
This is the promise of Acts chapter one, verse 8.
In fact, we'll go ahead and go to it.
Now in Acts 18, Jesus says, but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.
Now this word power, I'm just going to click on it and I'm going to do this, a Bible word study.
Now over here where you see this, the word here, here's the Greek, we don't know Greek, but here's the word.
It's called dynamis, where we get the word dynamite from.
That's the root it means power might and strength the the and it says the being able the ability to the power mean here's simple definition that you will be able to do things that are not dependent on you and your own ability for them specifically.
He's giving them power to do what he says you power when the Holy Spirit's come upon you and you shall be witnesses.
Now let me go to that word.
This word is, see that word there?
What does it say?
That's where we get the word martyr, meaning we're going to solidify this in you.
You've been walking, I'm paraphrasing now, you've been walking with me for the last three years.
You have you have received the teachings.
Now you're going to go tell others about it.
And I'm going to give you, I'm going to give you power.
And it doesn't come from you.
It's not based on who you are.
It's not based on your merit, just like your salvation isn't, it's not about how good you are, but you are going to make it.
You will receive this supernatural power in spite of the hard things that you are willing to even give your life unto death for this cause and for this message.
And we know historically that all of them gave their life as a result of that.
And that's a separate topic, but that's also what we would call an apologetic aspect to the faith.
Like how do we know that this stuff is reliable?
And we know that it's reliable because the the folks that were with him, the disciples gave their lives.
Nobody gives their lives for a lie.
Going to mention that I've I've heard that so many times.
What was it?
Paul was crucified upside down.
Mark was dragged across the street, horrible, horrible deaths and they were given multiple chances to save themselves, right?
Just to say that it didn't happen, but they but they gave themselves up for the truth, absolutely.
And they wouldn't do that for our life.
So I'm I'm trying to be very intentional and slow on this and for all of us, all of us even listening at home this power.
Unfortunately, Martin, there is a really bad demonstration of what people propose as Pentecostals or charismatics, and you probably have not been exposed to as much on this, but it's what I call just horrible stuff on television, like Christian television, like people just running around acting strange and all this is like just crazy stuff.
And also a lot of scammers as well, like, and so this is so much more.
This power, yes, also comes with gifts, tongues and healings and miracles and all that kind of stuff.
But it's as the Spirit wills.
And there, there's a lot that we can talk on that.
But this is what Jesus wants.
So he tells them to wait.
I'm going to back up just a little bit so that we can cover the other couple of verses and then we can unpack and and see what we need some clarity on.
So he told them in in verse 5, John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.
For them, it's going to be about 10 days, six.
Therefore, when they had come together, they asked him, saying, Lord, will you at this time restore the Kingdom to Israel?
That is a loaded, loaded statement right there.
And for them what they mean is all of Jesus's teachings about the Kingdom of God.
Meaning today we preach Jesus is coming back because he promised he would.
And when he comes back, he's going to judge the earth.
He will make all things right again.
This is what they're talking about.
They're like, is this happening now?
What's going on?
And Jesus says to them in verse seven, He says, it's not for you to know the times or seasons which the Father is put in his own authority, but you shall be.
In other words, he's saying, listen, I know that you want me to just come in, snap my fingers and wipe all these crazy folks out and judge and restore things back to the way it was, but there were some folks that need to get saved.
In other words, the Bible says that God is willing, none should perish.
God is a merciful God, but God also judges because he gives mercy.
He has to judge sin.
But the Bible says that he is very slow to anger and wrath.
And so this we would call this economy of salvation, program of salvation has been enduring now for 2000 years.
So he's letting them know focus.
Not necessarily on that aspect, for now you keep it at the forefront of your mind because you should expect for him to come back.
The Bible tells us this repeatedly.
In fact, every time we take communion, we look forward to his return because He commanded us.
In the Gospels He says you shall eat and drink of this until I come back.
So it's an ex, it's a reflection back at what he did and it's a looking forward that He promised he would come back.
But he says for you right now, you need to focus on being witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the end of the earth.
And the reason that this is important is because I'm going to get I'm going to get a little bit deep here for a moment is embedded if we can, and this is part of what we have to do with the Bible.
We have to put ourselves in the best of our ability in their shoes and say, how did they see things?
What did they think?
What was life like for them?
So their paradigm, their mode of thinking was hyper focused on what we would call nationalistic Israel within their borders.
Now, a lot of Jews lived outside of their that's separate story, but their their salvation was tied to the ethnicity that you had.
Yeah, I've heard.
That what God is saying, God's plan in the Bible calls this hidden from the beginning, from the foundation of the world, is that all the world would be saved.
And this goes back to this concept of a man named Abraham.
And God promised Abraham, he says in your seed I will bless the nations, all of the earth alike of all the world.
So Israel had been custodians for a time to help bring this about, the manifestation of God.
Now it's coming to fruition, it's being activated, God's plan.
So when he says first and foremost to Jerusalem, that's to the nation Judea.
Is this the region Lower southern Israel?
Whole back story on that.
That was like where they were like kind of scared and worried about right in time because that's where most of the Gentiles were at.
Or a lot of them.
Well, it's it goes deeper.
Samaria is back in Israeli history.
There was a section called the Northern Kingdom of Israel.
There was 10 tribes.
The Assyrians came in and conquered them.
It's about 700 years before Christ was born and deported.
They took all these people captives, they spread them out and they begin to interbreed.
Now what I mean by that, it's like, you know, I'm in an interracial marriage.
My wife's Brazilian.
So that would be condemned from their perspective.
So the Jews looked at their ancestors that interbreeded and intermarried as half breeds, but they still retain the concept of God and this area was known as Samaria.
They were despised.
They were kind of like the rejected people of Israel.
Absolutely rejected.
Yeah, I remember.
Reading about that, just like, oh, it is crazy.
So Jesus is saying, listen, you're going to witness to me in Jerusalem and Judea, the two areas of Israel.
Then you're going to go to Samaria.
You know those people that you don't like and you hate and all that stuff.
You're going to go there and you're going to announce the king has come, he and he's on the throne, and then you're going to go from Samaria to the end of the earth for the whole world.
This is mind blowing.
It, it, it, it's hard sometimes for us to wrap our brains around the actual significance of this.
But it is truly a radical concept for a 1st century Jew to say, wait, this is going to be extended to the whole earth.
But, but, but what about this?
Do they have to do this?
And we're going to see that being worked out in the book of Acts.
In fact, I'll give you just a, a preview in Acts chapter 15, we call it the first church council in Jerusalem because as they spread from Judea to Samaria to the end of the earth, as they got outside of Israel in the Gentile land, Gentiles became converted.
Now, when we say Gentiles, we mean anybody that's not a Jew, biblically speaking.
So imagine you're, you're up in like 4-5 hundred miles away, You're up in Ephesus.
These Gentiles say, wow, OK, I'm going to, they learn, they teach, they become discipled and they make this decision to say I'm going to follow Jesus and I reject all other gods.
Now the question is, is what happens?
And this is what Acts 15 is all about.
They start to no, I shouldn't say argue they're bring it on the table because the Jew said, hey, these guys need to get circumcised, right?
They need to have a little surgery because that's what identified you as a Jew.
It goes way back to the early part of Genesis, circumcision.
And that's a different topic too.
And I know I see that a lot, but there's a lot we could talk about that.
But God commanded that.
And then the Jews also had special dietary restrictions.
They don't eat pork, they eat kosher, and they observe a day called the Sabbath where everything shuts down.
So here's the Jews, the Jewish Christians that have come to faith, They're still following these practices.
And there's nothing wrong with it, but that's not what what determines your salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone in Jesus Christ.
So they had they had some problems.
They said, well, what do we do with these people?
Some said, well, if they come to faith, they need to follow, they need to eat like we eat.
They need to get circumcised.
And the Apostle Paul comes in and argues, no, they don't.
So this is what we call point of contention where they had to work these things out.
And it's it's, it's really, really fascinating.
This is why I say it's historical, but it's also theological because there could be someone today that says, you know what, Martin, that's great.
You, you, you have a profession of faith.
You say that you've been saved, you say that you've been born again.
You're saying that you follow Jesus, but we need to find out if you're circumcised or not.
Not trying to be crude about it, right?
No, yeah, that's that's what they had to go through.
Or you need to observe the Sabbath or you need to do this or do this.
No, you don't.
All just like man made rules, right that the Pharisees got in trouble with or we're getting Jesus in trouble for right all those little details and.
Well, I'm not correcting you, but this is a very easy thing for us to say when we say man made rules.
No, God actually came up with those rules for Israel, for yeah, for Moses.
But these were guardrails.
And when you go through the Old Testament, there are some difficult things to understand.
Why did God want them to eat this way?
Why did he tell them to circle?
You know, now they took those roles and they amplified it and they missed the intentionality of why God had it.
That's there's a huge, huge difference so.
Is that where Jesus say the what's the point of having that cup clean on the outside of it's dirty on the inside?
That's exactly what it is.
You can't just go through the external motions and not have a heart transformation.
And so you could observe the Sabbath, you can eat all the dietary laws, but if you're not loving God and loving your neighbors yourself, you've missed the whole point of a God.
He's like, I want mercy.
I want you to do justice.
So there is a beautiful, beautiful thoughts there.
So key takeaways out of this.
We've we, we, we have talked about a lot.
In fact, let me pull this up because we need to see how long I've been.
I just need to pull up the time.
Oh, wow, 55 minutes.
That's when you know you're having a good time.
Definitely doesn't feel like we're at all.
I know.
So out of this couple takeaways #1 when God tells us to wait, it's for good reason.
We need to, we need to be patient.
That's, that's something we develop #2 is we need to be completely dependent on him.
And this is difficult.
I'm speaking now as a man because as men, we, we and, and Americans, we have this concept of pick yourself up by the bootstraps.
You got to do it.
And that's good in certain areas.
But there is something different about being dependent on God.
And when I say you don't have the ability to do this, you're not capable of it, we like, we're like, Oh really, Watch me right.
You do not have the ability to do what God is asking you to do.
This is why you need the Holy Spirit in this form.
He already lives in you, but we need to activate something further so that you can truly do what He's asking you to do.
To be my witness.
It's incredible, incredible.
I'm debating.
I'm like, we might be.
I don't know if we should go now.
We'll stop.
That's a good place to stop.
They're at verse 8 and let me just let me surf which.
Is the memory verse of the week.
It is, yeah.
I was stressing, not stressing about it, but just repeating it over and over and over again last night, making sure I got it down.
Hey, man, that I got to tell you there's great things in in memorizing God's word.
Do you have a computer and all that kind of stuff?
Have you got connected with Logos yet?
I haven't actually.
I have a MacBook but it it's so bad on the storage is it and it's not even updated to the latest so I I don't I don't know what I need to do or something.
Eventually, well, number one, I I'm really good with Macs.
I'm horrible with Windows.
It's like I can't even, I don't even want to touch a Windows.
Not because I'm an Apple fanboy, I just don't know anything.
I've always had.
It's a little complicated, it is.
Mac is just so super straightforward.
It is so you know, when the time comes, when, if you decide to take that step of what I, what I have here and all this kind of stuff, Hey man, it'll bless you.
But this also is I think there's also value in in turning pages and touching and being tactile right as well.
And there's so many studies that we could talk about about that as well, like ton of those.
So I've got the binder, I've got my Bible.
I do, I go both by, but I live for the most part, I live in this because I have the ability to.
You're probably like man, you've got and and some other things that we can talk about a height like you eventually will develop a highlighting system and I can help you out with that.
What I mean by that is if you notice, like all my stuff is there, right?
So like this right here is my mental figure.
I because I've done it so much.
I know that I've done a word study on there, so I'm.
Assembled the word that it was only mentioned once.
Correct, correct.
And then here it is.
Here's the word study and it means to let me go here.
Where is it to make a covenant to come together?
And if I you go in even more, bring that up.
Anyways, it's the whole eat, break salt and eat salt.
But that's why I have that highlighted that way because I know that I've gone through and I've done the word study and I didn't make a note, which is now bugging me because I'm like, I could have swore I did a whole note on that.
And then I have see this little exclamation that means that I've created a note and I've linked together other resources.
So like if you ever hear me say I got receipts for something, to me that means I've studied it out and I've read what other scholars have said and I've collated and I've categorized those to where I can go back.
And I could say it might take me a little bit to find it, but I can go through and I can find, I can find that particular note, pull it up and it's all saves in here and it's in the cloud.
Same thing here.
I've got two different sources, lexicon, which is, you know, kind of like an explanatory dictionary and then a little piece of commentary from another scholar.
So these are things that we can talk about and go over later.
And then you can also develop certain color codes as well and underlining methods.
And and so sometimes if I want, if there's a significant reference to the Old Testament.
I'll highlight that in a certain color, like brown, because I'll know something is being woven and and put together from the Old Testament.
So these are all good things, but yeah.
It looks like you have a really well planned organized system.
It looks.
It looks.
And that's something to take some time as well.
I'm still even working with Noah.
Noah's got his own little highlighting system.
But for instance, if I take this right here, here is my custom custom system.
And I know not everybody can see this.
Here's my highlighters.
I've got who, what, when, where patterns and I've named those.
So you can create that yourself and then go.
And then you also have like anywhere.
I'll go too long on that.
OK, as we wrap up, do you have any closing thoughts, questions, anything?
Doesn't matter.
I did.
I did highlight one of these questions right here at the bottom though.
It was part of the binder that said the introduction of to acts.
Oh, OK.
And it and it was on 3rd page.
It leaned going into the 4th page.
Tell me on page three you said page. 3 going on to page 4 where it says his death on Calvary and I put a question mark on that.
So I was just like, what is what's the deeper meaning or what's, what's the meaning behind that?
His death on Calvary.
Can you be more specific the word Calvary or what do you mean?
That that's just the just the phrasing of it.
His death on Calvary.
OK, that's what I'm just trying to get at.
What is it trying to like, say with with those words putting being put together?
OK, let me read it.
More importantly, Jesus has come.
His death on Calvary has put a new covenant into effect.
So the word Calvary I'm, I'm just going to make an assumption here.
It just means that because he died on the cross, the word Calvary is a reference to the location of where he was.
So the Bible like, so let me say I'm, I'm here in the Bible and then I'm going to click search and then I'm going to go specifically, I'm just going to type in Calvary, right?
Luke 2333 and when they had come to the place called Calvary, see, I already have an underline and they crucified him in the criminals, one on the right and the other on the left.
Now in another gospel writer, I'm going to do a search here and let me let me go over here.
I'm going to put this to the left side.
Now I'm going to put Gal Gotha, Matthew.
Matthew says this.
Now when they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name, and they compelled to bear his cross.
And when they had come to a place called Golgotha.
So what's up with that?
Matthew calls it Golgotha.
Luke calls it Calvary.
It's the same place.
Now, Matthew is written specifically to Jews, so Jews are familiar with this terminology of Galgotha.
Luke uses what we would call a transliterated phrase.
Calvary is the Latin name for Galgotha.
It's the same place, but it's all based on the audience.
Matthew writes to the Jews.
Luke is writing to the Roman world that is, you know, Latinized.
So Calvary is the name that most Christians have that that how would they do to describe the cross, the place of the crucifixion?
So that's where Jesus died, on a hill called Calvary or Galgotha.
OK, that makes the.
Same thing.
And I've got some awesome pictures.
Have been there.
Yeah, walked in that place.
And go visit Jerusalem at some point, yeah.
And hopefully we've had two trips planned to Israel.
I was going to lead a tour and they've both been canceled.
First one was COVID and then we redid it here last year.
And then all of a sudden the war, the war, October 11th hit hit and we couldn't go.
So I'm hoping here I'm I'm getting a little antsy because I want to go back.
So we'll probably be putting together a trip.
I got to be careful saying that because we got a lot of people that want to go, but I'm hoping we're we're going to see once once Trump gets established and thinks the dust settles a little bit, we're going to know a little bit more of what's going to happen in the in the Middle East.
You could technically go right now, but you know Israel still is at war and we'll see what happens with these hostages.
Because Trump's already telling them, right?
Like there better not be one hostage on the day I take office or all hell will break loose.
And it was crazy how the whole world pretty much was just like, oh, he, he won the presidency.
All right, let's just let's, let's make peace now.
And it just shows you like the people in leadership really doesn't matter.
Yeah, no, it does.
It absolutely does.
So one of two things is either going to happen.
Either there will be a sense of real genuine peace or there'll be an uprising and there may be try to be a couple of knuckleheads that say let's test this theory and see what he does.
So when I say the dust being settled, that's, that's what I mean.
I'm, I kind of want to see because it's a big commitment to make a trip to Israel because we're talking like deposits and payments.
It's not like you like because it it's about $3500 give or take in there for a full week tour.
So what we do is we set the date out about 18 months, a year to 18 months.
And then people do like little payment plans here and there.
So you start with the deposit to secure and then you pay a little, you know, on schedule.
So it's a big commitment.
It's not like you just dry.
You could drop into Israel.
I mean, if you're young, you wanted to go backpacking or something.
But anyway.
But that's that's the thing with Calvary.
So yeah.
In fact, there are churches that are named like Calvary.
They have Calvary in their name.
Any anything else out of this?
There was another one about the, I'm not too sure how to say it, the muturation cannon.
Tell me, oh Muratorian.
Muratorian Cannon one.
Six under the authorship paragraph, the very bottom.
So I read, I, I highlighted it, put a question mark on it, and then I did look it up and I was still confused.
I just, I wasn't too sure what what I was like trying to get out of that.
Tell me the the the paragraph I'm just looking at very very bottom.
Yeah, right above 6.
Oh, OK, so the moratorium Canon is just a name for a group of church network churches or we would say during the time of this particular individual.
The reason why this is important because there's a myth out there of some of this called the Council of Nicaea.
Council of Nicaea is like one big boogeyman for a lot of folks because you will have particular groups or sex that will say, you know, TikTok videos.
Did you know that the Bible had not come to completion until they decided at the Council of Nicaea?
Like Wes, I'm evoking his name again, right?
Because we're.
Because he's like, that is completely false.
The Bible was not decided what was going to be in the Canon.
We call like official list of books on the council and I see it was already in existence.
So what they're saying here is he, this particular author is going back even further before Nicaea and he's saying there was a group of these the the Muratorian Canyon that had already his store there.
Meaning there's historical precedence that attributes the writings to Luke the physician.
And and the reason that this particular individuals named Stanley Horton is doing this is because you have to understand I gave you a simplistic answer.
I said it is almost universally accepted that Luke is the author.
But when you start to engage in scholarship, the you have to hold things loosely.
So they're engaging with with critics, biblical criticism in a bad sense.
And so they'll say, well, let me give you some precedents.
Let me give you some historical proof fact.
The Muratorian Canon attributes this to Luke.
So I could go through on here and I'm going to go to let me just type it in.
This is called the fact book, which is way, way better than Google because you can do a Google search and you know, so let's go through so I can go through now and in my resources, I can do an AI generated show me the synopsis, give me the give me the give me the nitty gritty of it.
It's generating that now.
So here we go.
So I'm going to click this and let's read it.
The Muratorian Canon, also known as the Muratorian fragment, is considered one of the earliest known lists of New Testament books.
Now it's going to give me two sources that I have if I want to, if I want the receipts for this and I could document it.
So the reason he's appealing to this is because critics will come in and say, well, you know, they really the book of Luke and Acts that wasn't even decided until 400 AD, 400 years after at the cancel.
And I see it.
No, he's he's.
He knows his.
Stuff he's cooking them.
This is what I'm trying to say.
Like, he's like, man, you like, don't even give me that.
So and then it says it was discovered.
And then he's given Lodofio Antonio Muratori in Milan in 1740.
So that means that this fragment was discovered in 1740.
Initially thought to date from the late 2nd or early 3rd century.
Some scholars suggest it may be a 4th century list from Syria or Palestine.
Now, when you get into dating everybody's got but the reason is because this can scholars have dated it to the early 2nd century, which would place that with even not far after the lifetime of Luke, meaning you had you have eyewitnesses and then you have you're only one generation separated.
You have disciples of the disciples that are coming in and testing and attributing, correct?
Yeah, yeah.
And so as you go through here and what he says, the Mercorian Canon includes most of the books in the current New Testament, such as the four Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, 13 Pauline epistles, Jude, the two epistles of John and Revelation.
However, it omits Hebrews, James and one epistle of John.
Now, what's interesting is is these three books were not necessarily in question as to whether or not they were part of the Canon.
They just it took longer for this to the word would be like matriculate.
It had to it had to had to be seasoned longer because they wanted to be sure that they were sure that they were sure.
And so these ones were had more of a challenge to to put into the Canon as the other ones.
So This is why he's he's he's doing that.
So there's certain things as you learn and as you study, one of the things that you will learn is there's some things that are worth what I mean, worth your time.
I think everything is worth your time.
I think everything that you discover and learn is worth it, but you have an option when you come to this Muratori County can and you can be like, what in the world is that now?
You can just keep on going.
Or you say, you know what, let me invest a little bit of time and I can figure out what it is and why and how is that.
Important and that's kind of what I was doing last night with like how you even mentioned like there might be words you don't understand like go look and under like find the definition and it just helped me understand the whole like guide so much more.
Yeah yeah.
So I it's something that I would like encourage all Christians and people that would dive into the word.
No, get get the context.
So that's super important.
You know, people will throw random verses at you and be like, how can God do this to people?
This now I'm like you got to get the context.
And the more you kind of get into this, This is why there's a, there's a, a paper trail or reasoning behind it.
And that counselor and I see it as a big one because that is the first thing that's always thrown out there, of course.
And it's the conspiratorial TikTok videos, you know?
The Billy Carson's of the world.
Exactly, exactly, 'cause I for a minute they got me too.
I was just like, yeah, like, yeah, there was, there was a point in time before I went, there was a.
But like Joe Rogan said, it's fun.
It's something like, it's something like, oh, you never heard before.
It's a crazy conspiracy.
Like it's fun to like learn about it and like hear about.
But when you truly look at the evidence and historical evidence, it's just there's not much evidence to back it up.
Yeah, No, I'm like that too.
So I'm hoping Christianity doesn't need Joe Rogan.
Joe Rogan needs Christianity.
So here, here.
Here's the thing.
A lot of people are like, man, let's just pray because Can you imagine if Joe Rogan got saved?
I agree.
That would be cool.
But listen, Christianity doesn't need Joe Rogan.
We've been just fine for 2000 years.
The gates of hell shall not prevail, and it still won't.
He needs Jesus.
So I'm, I pray you know.
Hey, I hope he does.
And it seems like he's kind of leaning towards that way because I remember there they'll be using clips from like, probably like a decade ago.
Where he's like criticizing, like a Christian that probably didn't have the best defense at the time.
And Joe Rogan is just making fun of him and just like, you know, ridiculing them.
But looking at it now, you get somebody like Wesley Huff who knows his stuff and can back it up with evidence.
Well, it's more so not just the knowledge, but it's the practice.
So he is he, he hadn't necessarily been exposed to people that don't just talk the talk, but walk the walk.
So what I would call liberal Christianity, like, like there's a guy, his name's Carl Lentz, Justin Bieber's pastor, right?
And Joe Rogan just rips that guy up because he's walking around without a shirt showing like his hip bones, you know, it's halfway down and like, you know, sexy and all this kind of stuff, like hip hop, hip hop style.
Hollywood, right?
And so he's just like, what is this, you know, this what we call liberal watered down message and the world's getting tired that kind of stuff like.
And and so I think that he's being exposed to a genuine form of a we believe this.
We got to walk this out.
Yes, God has great.
Yes, God has mercy.
But there's also more.
Like you said two weeks ago, walking truth.
Yeah, absolutely, absolutely.
Anything else out of here, man, Those were those were both good.
I'm really glad you asked that, moratorium Calvary.
I, I tried to I tried to prep myself a little bit before I came, but I don't know if it's a question, but I, I think it was pretty cool how over here on page nine, second paragraph, it mentions that Luke draws attention also to the to the way of the Holy Spirit promoted the unity of the body.
And notice how often he mentioned being and I highlighted it one in the chord you're getting 1 accord.
And that was that was something that was like, wow, that was that was pretty cool to see.
Yeah, absolutely.
And then notice these couple other sentences, says the world tends to disrupt, divide and build barriers that that isn't that true?
It's super super and these barriers what we're going to see in the New Testament are ethnic, ethnic barriers background.
Today we would say it's political barriers, it's still racial divide, all of that I'm.
So tired of hearing racial stuff.
So it says the Holy Spirit broke down barriers as the church prayed together, work together, evangelize together, suffered together.
Nature tends to disperse, scatter and breakdown.
Think about that too, from a naturalistic standpoint.
If you leave your car out on the street for the next year, that thing's going to deteriorate, right?
Like you're exactly.
And so the, the, what we see here is it takes higher energy, more critical mass, right, to unite, more wisdom and power to build up than to tear down.
It's easy to tear down, but you know how hard it is to build up.
And this building up is discipleship.
This is walking walking the way that God is given it really is That's that's the hard part.
Christianity is not for for wussies, right?
Oh, definitely not like you.
There's a.
There's a quote from Johnny Cash.
Oh yeah, I love that guy.
He, he said if you want to get to the any man that tries to get to the truth always end up at Jesus.
And he also said something about it's more difficult to be a man of God than to be a man of this world.
Bro that's.
That is something that I always think about.
That is all basis.
That is awesome.
So that is a powerful paragraph, right?
Yeah, that's now that you mention I'm like, I do remember being that was just like.
And you know what's also interesting is this unity.
Being in one accord is also supernatural, right?
See, what we're doing today in organizations, churches, and everything else is all of this unity has to do with leadership.
Like I'm going to enroll you in a school of leadership and you're going to learn how to promote a vision and you're going to learn to get people on the same page to actually kind of a perverted style of that.
What God calls us to is something that is supernatural.
And when we have unity, when we are truly in one accord, that means, yes, practically speaking, like as a church, we're trying to do this walk right?
Everybody's on the same page.
But it is also doing what he said in here we are, we are, where is it?
Where is it?
A Praying together, working together, evangelizing together, suffering.
Together, I think, I think my favorite part of that was a suffering together, because man, there's a lot of that going on.
There always will be too, of course.
There's a command in the Bible to weep with those who are weeping and rejoice with those that rejoice.
Meaning, do you have true joy in your in your heart when God blesses somebody right like man, I'm so happy.
That's what we call rejoicing.
And then to weep with those that are weeping, like to enter into their grief together.
Beautiful picture.
That is in John 11 when Jesus, the shortest verse in the Bible, John 11 says Jesus wept.
You want to memorize the verse?
There it is, Jesus wept.
That's shortest verse.
His friend Lazarus had died.
Jesus came and He wept with them.
He already knew he was going to raise him, raise Lazarus from the dead.
That's the story.
But he went and he entered into their suffering.
Jesus wept.
So this is this is a when I say supernatural, we don't have it in our ability, in our flesh.
I don't care how good a person you are.
I mean, I've met a lot of good folks, right?
But this is this is different.
This is different.
Yeah, and I thank God every day because I used to be very stuck to my sin, very self-centered, very selfish.
And I was just talking to my mom about this yesterday.
Like, thank the Lord that He took all of that out of my life because I couldn't do it on my own.
I was leading on my own understanding for many years.
Oh man, anything else out of this I'm just cruising through.
Man, those are great questions.
I think that's pretty much it that I got.
I got most of the study questions done already.
Yeah, yeah, good.
And I listened to my morning listening this morning.
And or how's that going for you?
It's going really good.
I've I've already been addicted to the absence memo mentioned.
It to me.
Yeah, yeah.
So my favorite thing lately with has been going on the walk with my dog.
There's some, there's some back fields right behind my house.
I take her off the leash and I just listen to the word.
You know, I was explaining to Noah yesterday because Noah and I were talking and he's like, man, I'm having a hard time listening.
I really tried to encourage him.
I'm like, we're not listening for the sake of just listening.
But there is a a value and a benefit of having the ability to hear in this sense, meaning an intense focus.
So I was trying to, as a father, also warn him of, you know, what we call TikTok brain?
Yeah, we've all been there.
Bro you know what I mean like man everyone's just a fog.
I can't focus.
This will help you in every area of your life.
Meaning you're devoting time with God.
Hyper focus and Lord, let me listen and here's how I know when it's good.
When chapter 1 finishes and I'm like, dude, I was in.
I'm now I'm in chapter 3 all of a sudden, right?
Because I'm like, you just keep going and going and going.
That's how I got to the gospel so quickly.
I just kept on like reading or listening to them and I just wanted to listen more and more and more.
My favorite thing to do is you said you work out right.
Do you go to the Arvin Jam or where do you go?
The one right here, OK.
So I have to take Noah into school.
He's home school.
So we go to twice a week up to it's called Valley Oaks.
So I go to in shape.
My favorite thing is a sauna.
I don't even.
I I miss the.
I don't even go to workout man, I need to start working out.
I just go to get in a sauna in the hot tub in the pool.
That's what that's what this gym is missing is a sauna.
I used to that was my favorite thing to do when I was still living in Fresno.
The gym I was going to at the time, Wow, had a sauna and I'd be there for 10-15 minutes.
Yeah, get a good sweat on and yeah.
And then apparently it helps you like to reduce soreness and inflammatory.
It's just there's so many benefits to.
It yeah, it is.
So that's that's my favorite time to listen to God's Word.
I I can see why.
Yeah, that'd be.
It's very peaceful in there, especially with the earphones in.
Yeah, yeah, you always have.
I call it the homies that come in.
They're like fully dressed with socks and shoes and sweats.
I'm like, what are you doing there?
Into the Thunder, Yeah.
There'd be times I'd be like that too.
I'd be a little little cautious or a little oh.
I see I can't go with shoes and socks.
I at least got to have some flip flops on because that's a weird feeling to.
Yeah, I get.
So, yeah, let me ask you this.
We'll we'll close here pretty quick because I want people to be able to listen.
And sometimes I worry about the time, but I'm like, you know, what the hell?
Fair hour, Hour and 22.
Have you been baptized in water?
I was going to mention earlier, yeah, I've been baptized as a kid because I was raised up in the Catholic household.
And it's funny because I kind of just separated away from it because it was kind of like forced upon me.
It was never something that I went out of my own will to like, seek and do.
And there was just the idea of, like, all these traditions and things you got to do to be like a faithful Catholic and stuff.
And my argument was always like, where is this mentioned into the Bible?
Where, where did Jesus teach this?
Like, I don't remember that being taught at all or read in the Bible before, even though I was very like, I didn't know much about the Bible at the time, but there was something I'm like, I don't think that's in the Bible.
So why would I want to like follow that, you know?
So and still, like I said, I I try to be as respectful if I can, but like things like purgatory, right?
Yeah, the Bible.
I was going to ask you about that too.
Like what's your idea on that like or where did that concept come from?
Is it a Catholicism idea?
It is there, there seems to it.
It seems there.
There's a historical spot on this, what we call an intermediary state, meaning between earth and heaven.
But the Bible, I'm being very simplistic here, takes a bazooka and just like blast that out of the water.
Because the Bible says to be absent in the body is to be present with the Lord, Speaking of believers, of course.
So there is no intermediary space.
This was a Jewish concept that had been postulated or thought about prior to Christ.
And the, the the Catholics do get some of this very, very little.
It's not like written in plain black and white out of what we call the apocryphal readings.
So if you notice, the Catholic, sometimes a Catholic Bible includes apocryphal books, meaning we have 66 books of the Bible.
The Catholics have more, if you're I, I don't want to say good Catholic, but you'll know.
Well, these are the additional books that we that we don't.
Hopefully they don't compare them to the same level as the Bible, but they're just things like a book of Maccabees or the Wisdom of Solomon or or the additions to the book of Daniel.
So they have those included.
There are some what we would call the seeds of that that is found in apocryphal writings.
But other than that, it it that comes mainly that's where we would use this term traditions of men.
So that's.
Kind of have, that's where my view on Catholicism kind of went towards them.
Like, it's just, it's just a lot of men made traditions and rules that I just necessarily didn't agree with, you know, And it's funny because when I did, you know, was seeking Jesus at some point where I knew I had to do how to make, make some change and then try to do it on my own terms.
I've never felt the sense of like power, the Holy Spirit whenever I went to a Catholic Church.
But as soon as I stepped foot into a Christian Church where they were worshipping and singing and everybody was raising their hands, it was, I just was super emotional, just crying and crying and crying.
And they even had a prayer room where I stepped in and the buddy of mine led me and he, him and another friend of mine or, or a man that was there just to pray for anybody.
They were both praying on me and I was just so emotional and just wow, just weeping like a big old baby, you know, And the same thing happened with me here too.
Like the assembly of Arvin.
It's, it gave me that sense, the same feeling, you know, and I've never been to that church before, prior to when Memo gave his first sermon.
Oh, OK.
And it's, it's just something that I'll, I'll never get used to.
Yeah, that I will always seek.
Yeah, well, there's something that God deposits in US and we call it the inner witness.
And that's that's the Holy Spirit, meaning he bears witness with our Spirit.
And so those those times are precious.
So here's what I would encourage you with if you were baptized as a child, that the natural question is, is it's not necessarily a question of was that baptism valid or not valid or none of that.
We're not even worried about that.
The question is, is should you be baptized in water now that you've made a conscious choice to follow and serve Jesus?
And the answer to that is yes.
And so I want to encourage you, that's probably one of your one of your next steps.
And we do that in obedience to Christ.
And it's not something that we just do lightly, meaning like.
Oh yeah, memo.
Memo should be the video of his of his brother getting baptized.
So I'm, I'm well aware of it and it's not, it's not in a sense of you got to go through all these hoops.
But what it is, it's sort of like we need to I, I preached on a couple weeks ago, like in Luke, right?
Like Jesus said, unless a man denies his hates his father and mother.
Have you counted the car you like, you got to be sure about this then, right?
Like that's the thing.
Are you sure?
So here that's going to be your next step is we're kind of walking through that.
And if it is, then praise the Lord you need to be baptized and obey Jesus.
It's something that I've been mentioning in my prayers that, you know, that God's will be done over my life and that my at some point and when the time is right, when he puts it in my heart that hopefully I'll be ready to be baptized.
So I've been, I've been telling that myself too.
Yeah, I don't want to be just be baptized just to say, oh, I'm baptized.
I'm being born again.
Read, you know, I definitely want to do do my do my work and then make sure that I'm ready and know the not consequences, but know what I'm getting myself into.
Well, that's what the that's what God has given us the church for and discipleship.
So you know what, you and I and maybe we can get together and we can walk through some of that and it's not see, there's always a balance.
It's sort of like, well, how long do you wait?
Do you wait six months?
Do you wait for a year?
There's no time.
It's comes to an understanding of like really though, like, yeah, you like, you realize it is sort of like if I presented a, a girl in front of you and I said, hey, do you want to get married?
And I don't even know her, like, right.
Like you would go through a process in counseling, like we're this is called a covenant new covenant, the New Testament.
It's it's like, dude, you're, you're dedicating your life.
If you, I mean, if we have a proper understanding of marriage, that's what you're doing.
You are pledging your loyalty to your spouse.
You come together as one flesh from a spiritual concept.
Salvation is much like that, even though God does it in an instance.
I'm not saying we're not talking whether you're saved or not saved or any of that.
The there, there is a time that shows that.
So anyways, that's different conversation.
This has been good and I don't know, I hope you'll do another podcast with me.
I hope you invite me more often because I this was amazing.
I definitely want to dive deeper into the Word, especially with this book of Acts.
I pray every day that the Lord gives me the wisdom and guidance to understand His Word and apply it to my life.
You know, if there's no point in just reading it if you're not going to.
The teachings absolutely.
And man, think about this, my goal is to finish this chapter.
Like see, some people are like man, you're reading 1 chapter a week.
But if you're really reading and you're really studying, I'm like man, even on the podcast we're only on verse 8 now.
I've studied the whole, I've gone through the whole chapter, but I'm like, man, there's so much good.
There's so much we is doing in here.
And so that's the, you know, part of Bible study as well.
We'll have Bible study tomorrow.
And I'm hoping some folks will have some good questions and we can go over it.
Let's close in prayer, man, and then we'll wrap this thing up.
So, Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you and I praise you that you have given us.
Your word is so precious to us.
And I think that Martin was here today and that you are leading him and guiding him and working in his life.
God, you've begun a good work on the inside of him.
So I pray that you would continue to strengthen him, continue to draw him always closer to you.
And so, Lord, thank you for his testimony, for what you're going to do.
And we pray this in Jesus name, Amen and Amen.
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