Beloved in Christ,
We are setting out on a pilgrimage through the book of Deuteronomy. We’ll be camped out in the plains of Moab, for the rest of the year. There’s a real temptation during this season to set the cruise control with hopes of resetting in January. I call upon you with an earnest plea—start and finish with passion, with a fire in your h eart that burns for the truth of God’s Word. That’s how I’m praying for you, and I hope you’ll ask the Lord for the same in your life. In our Christian walk, there's an unmatched beauty in starting strong and finishing the race, with the same, if not more, fervency.
Take a moment to appreciate the banquet God has lovingly provided. Every discipleship guide, every sermon on Sunday morning, every podcast episode, and Weds night Bible Study is intended to draw you closer to His heart. Each of these avenues of discipleship is an outstretched hand from God, inviting you to know Him more deeply, to love Him more passionately. Don't let even one opportunity slip away.
I want you to know that this is not just a book club, or a reading plan. No, this is foundational to big picture of our salvation. When we steep ourselves in God’s Word, we're anchoring our souls to an immovable rock. And oh, the reward for such anchoring is boundless—it’s the joy of knowing Him, the deep assurance of being known by Him, and the unshakable peace that transcends human understanding.
I exhort you, as you turn each page of Deuteronomy, there might be moments when a passage or verse doesn't immediately resonate. You might even question how this can help you with what you’re facing. It might not echo your current circumstance or quench the pressing thirst of your heart. But remember this: the Word of God isn’t merely for the 'now'; it’s for the eternal. Its value isn't confined to the present urgency but stretches into the vast expanse of eternity. The wisdom and lessons of Deuteronomy have a purpose beyond the immediate; it's building in you a reservoir of faith and understanding that’s being sown for the tough days ahead.
In the spirit of the words of the Apostle Paul, I urge you to not grow weary, to lay aside every weight and sin that so easily besets you. For in due season, if we don’t give up, we will reap the glorious harvest of a heart fully immersed and rooted in God's Word.
May the Lord sustain and guide you these last two months. Dive deep, draw close, and be transformed by the power of His Word.
For the glory of God and the good of His people,
Pastor Brian Overturf
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